How To Get An Advance Queue Number For Any Transactions In PS Bank? One of the best service in PS Bank for me is the Advance Queue Number for any transactions. To avail this service just follow the steps below. 1. Go to the PS Bank website and Click the Queue Anywhere icon. Or go directly to PSBank Lobby Management System 2. A welcome window will pop-up. Then click Get Queue Number in advance. 3. Select a Transaction. 4. In this example, I choose Cash deposit. Enter the Account Number and Amount to be deposited, then Click the OK button. 5. In case you have a multiple transactions, then select the YES button for another transaction else select NO. 6. After completing the transaction(s), A confirmation window will appear that shows the transaction details. 7. After confirming, now select a PS Bank branch. They remove the branch selection. The Queue Number is for any branch. 8. Enter the exact text in the captcha for security...
My simple yet significant travels so far are highlighted in this website. Each photograph on this page was taken with much appreciation and wonder-from shots of our small family's travels added in our children's bank of fond childhood memories to shots of the nation's most famous churches that never fail to inspire us to pray more, up to shots of my own solo trips around the world that have extended my horizons. Such memorable travels, I would say, exist in tons and wait to be encountered in the